British history: The Romans


The Romans - PowerPoint-Präsentation

The Romans

In AD 43, the Romans invaded southern Britain ...

Roman Londinium

The history of London begins with the Romans ...

City of Rome and the Roman Empire

Rome is the capital city of Italy ...

The Roman Invasion

Before the Romans invaded, the Celts ruled Britain ...

Queen Boudicca

In AD 43 there were a lot of kings and queens all over Britain ...


In 61 A.D. the Romans faced their most serious problem yet - the Celts were rebelling ...

The Roman defence of Britain

When the Romans invaded Britain they had to defend it against constant attack from Celtic tribes ...

The building of Hadrian´s Wall

After several attempts to conquer 'Scotland', the Romans withdrew in AD 105, and the northern frontier was temporarily fixed at the Tyne-Solway line ...

Der Friedenswall des Hadrian

Der Hadrianswall im Norden Englands ist die erste Mauer in der Geschichte der Menschheit, die ein ganzes Land durchzogen hat, sie reichte von Küste zu Küste, ein lineares militärisches Sperrwerk ...

The Roman Army

The Roman Army was made up of men from all over the Empire, no women were allowed to join ...

Roads and places

In Roman times people travelling round Britain would either ride on horseback, drive carts pulled by oxen, or walk ...


Some things which people in Roman times did for fun are similar to things we do today ...

Families and children

Life in Roman times for women was quite hard ...


The Romans were good at building and engineering, but not so good at inventing machines ...


For a long time the Romans believed in many different gods and goddesses ...

Roman remains

By the 2nd century A.D. Roman Britain had become quite wealthy ...