American history: 1492 - 1763


Colonial America: 1492 - 1763

European nations came to the Americas to increase their wealth and broaden their influence over world affairs ...

Die Kraft der Siedler

Frühe europäische Versuche, Nordamerika zu besiedeln, blieben ohne dauerhaften Erfolg ...

Columbus saw land! - October 12, 1492

Early in the morning on October 12, 1492, a sailor looked out to the horizon from the bow of his sailing ship, the Pinta, and saw land ...

Colunbus' ships arriving on land - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Christopher Columbus - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Jacques Cartier Sailed Up The St. Lawrence River, 1534

When French navigator Jacques Cartier left France by boat in April 1534, the king ordered him to find gold, spices (which were valuable at that time), and a water passage from France to Asia ...

Angriff der Konquistadoren

Kaum sind die Schatzkammern der Inka und Azteken ausgeraubt, richten spanische Eroberer ihre Blicke schon auf das nächste geheimnisvolle Land der Neuen Welt ...

American history III: 1565 - 1700

The first permanent European settlement in North America was at St Augustine on the northern Florida Atlantic coast, established by Spain in 1565 ...

The arrival of Europeans

This section deals with a part of American history which changed its course for ever - the arrival of Europeans ...

Colonies in America

The Spanish were the first to explore America ...

Virginian Beginnings

All through the night the storm blew the three small ships northwards ...

Virginian Beginnings - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Puritan New England

"Pilgrims" are people who make a journey for religious reasons ...

Puritan New England - PowerPoint-Präsentation

The Mayflower Compact

When the Pilgrims arrived off the coast of America they faced many dangers and difficulties ...

The Mayflower Compact

"In the name of God, Amen ..."

The Landing of the Pilgrims - PowerPoint-Präsentation

The Mayflower Compact - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Das Heilige Experiment

Europa ist nicht gottesfürchtig genug für die protestantische Sekte der Puritaner, die sich keiner Staatskirche unterordnen ...

Black Americans

America is made up of people from many different countries and races ...

Black Americans - PowerPoint-Präsentation

The African past

White people thought that Africans were inferior and uncivilised ...

The African past - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Slaves arrive in America

Most black Americans trace their original roots to an area in western Africa ...

Why did Africans go to America?

Africans went to live in America for quite different reasons from the white settlers ...

Why did Africans go to America? - PowerPoint-Präsentation

The black experience

Slavery had a powerful impact on the development of the USA ...

The black experience - PowerPoint-Präsentation

From freedom to slavery: the slave trade

It is very hard for us to imagine what it was like to be taken by force from Africa to America as a slave ...

From freedom to slavery: the slave trade - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Rum and slavery

Thousands of Africans were taken to be slaves in the West Indies ...

Colonial Life in America

By the year 1733 the English owned thirteen separate colonies along the Atlantic coast of North America ...

Colonial Life in America - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Governors and assemblies

All the English colonies in America shared a tradition of representative government ...

New England values

Immigration to New England began in 1620 when English Puritans founded Plymouth Colony in present-day Massachusetts ...