British history: 1066 - 1500


The Middle Ages - PowerPoint-Präsentation

The Norman Conquest

The Bayeux Tapestry - PowerPoint-Präsentation

William I

The year 1066 is famous for English people ...

The Battle of Hastings

A south wind blew in the English Channel on 28 September 1066 ...

The Normans take control

The English did not want a Norman king ...

The Normans

The Duke of Normandy, known as William the Conqueror, was crowned King William I of England in London on Christmas Day, 1066 ...

Who owns the land?

William the Conqueror said that all the land in England belonged to him ...

The Normans in control

William believed that the whole of England belonged to him ...

The French influence

English also has many similarities with Romance languages, whose origin is Latin ...

The French influence - PowerPoint-Präsentation


William built three thousand ships, and filled them with mighty horses and brave men ...

The Norman Conquest - PowerPoint-Präsentation


We find out about the past from sources ...

Knights, Lords, and Kings


War took up a great deal of a king's time in the Middle Ages ...

Civil war

Like most countries in the Middle Ages, England was a monarchy - it was ruled by a king ...

Henry II´s empire

Before he became king of England in 1154, Henry II already ruled part of France ...


When Stephen was king, the great lords built castles everywhere, without the king's permission ...

Knights, Lords, and Kings - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Fact and opinion

A fact is something which is, or was, true ...

The Church

The village church

Most people in western Europe belonged to the Roman Catholic church in the Middle Ages ...

Bishops and cathedrals

The head of the Catholic church was the Pope, who lived in Rome ...

Thomas Becket

In the Middle Ages many people went on pilgrimages ...


He has been a parish for more than 30 years, but he can neither sing the Mass properly, nor read the Bible ...

The Church - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Causes and reasons

A cause is a reason for something ...

Monks and Friars

The life of a monk

Monks were men who gave their lives to God ...

Monks and local life

In most places, the monastery's great stone church was the largest building for miles around ...

Friars and Lollards

As time went by, some monks forgot their rules ...


The friars go after the rich folk. They have no time for the poor ...

Monks and Friars - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Point of view

Not every word in the sources is true ...

The Crusades

The Kingdom of Jerusalem

Jesus was put to death in Jerusalem in Palestine ...

Richard the Lion Heart

In 1187, Turks led by Saladin took Jerusalem and Acre from the Christians ...

The failure of the Crusades

Popes kept on urging kings, lords, and knights to go on Crusades ...


King Philip of France went home in 1191. But he let his knights remain at Acre ...

The Crusades - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Causes and results

Causes come before events. Causes are the reasons why the events happen ...


Students of history often try to work out the motives of the people in the past ...

From Council to Parliament

Magna Carta

After Richard I returned to England, he was soon at war again ...

The beginning of parliament

King John promised to speak to his 'council' before he charged taxes ...

Lords and commons

England's kings were always short of money to pay for their wars ...


Before I make the people pay taxes, I will ask the advice of the lords in my council ...

From Council to Parliament - PowerPoint-Präsentation

Life on the Land

Open-field villages

Nine out of ten people in the Middle Ages worked on the land ...

The lord of the manor and the peasants

The most important man in the village was the lord of the manor ...

How did things change?

The population of England rose steadily between 1066 and 1348 ...

The Black Death and the Peasants´ Revolt

The Black Death

The 'Black Death' - a kind of plague - reached the ports of southern England in 1348 ...

The Peasants´ Revolt

The peasants who survived the Black Death asked for higher wages ...

Peasants in the fifteenth century

The Peasants' Revolt was crushed in 1381 ...

The Hundred Years´ War

How warfare changed

War was part of normal life for Norman kings and lords ...

The Hundred Years´ War

England's longest war was against France ...

Joan of Arc and the end of the war

Charles VI of France had a son (another Charles) ...

Lancaster, York, and Tudor

The Wars of the Roses

Henry VI could not win the war in France ...

The princes in the Tower

Edward IV died in 1483, aged only forty-one ...

Henry VII, the first Tudor king of England

Richard III reigned for only two years ...

Towns and Trade

The towns

Most people lived in villages in the Middle Ages and did not often leave home ...

Mediaeval London

After the Roman armies left Britain in the 5th century, invaders came from Scandinavia and northern Europe ...

Merchants and craftsmen

The most important persons in a town were the merchants ...

The wool and cloth trade

English wool was the best in Europe ...

Technology in the Middle Ages

Technology - Builders

'Technology' means the right tools or equipment to do a job, and knowing how to use them ...


In 1086, there were more than 5,000 water-mills in England ...


Making woollen cloth was England's main industry in the Middle Ages ...

The iron industry and the printing press

In the Middle Ages, ploughs, knives, spades, and scythes all had iron blades ...

Daily Life

Houses and furniture

Peasant families lived in one-room or two-room shacks ...


The rich wore smart clothes made from fine wool, linen, velvet, silk, or fur ...


The poor were often hungry ...


Children were not forced by law to go to school, and most girls did not go at all ...

Health and sickness

For most men and women, life was hard ...

Women in the Middle Ages

A woman´s place

It was a man's world ...


Most girls married young - at fifteen or sixteen, or younger ...

Women´s Work

Married women had a lot of children, but about half of them died young ...

Crime and Punishment

Sheriffs, Judges, and Juries

England had no police force in the Middle Ages ...

Trial by Ordeal and Trial by Combat

Trial by ordeal was the way of judging an accused person ...


You could be hanged for all sorts of crimes in the Middle Ages ...